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🖋️ duravirgo

My research is guided by two principles: that “silly” questions beget great answers, and that there is always more to learn. My research interests include (but are absolutely not limited to!) Peircean semiotics, materiality, discourse analysis, speech act theory, performance, notions of authenticity, masculinity, and natural language processing. Most recently, I conducted research on “accent challgenes” on Instagram and representations of New York City English (NYCE). 

You can read some of my thoughts of materiality and semiotics in this paper on the infamous Sonic Harry Potter Obama backpack. You can watch me talk about it here.

I’ve also conducted a lot of research on trash talk in the WWE on topics like white wrestlers’ use of African American English and the discursive/performative effects of using third-person self-reference while trash talking. You can hear me talk about the anthropological importance of wrestling after enjoying lots of tequila on Drinks with God
here (pt 1) and here (pt 2). Please also ask to see my Ric Flair graphs.

Basically, if something has anything to do with language, I’m interested.